Not a Review, Just Pointing You to a FREE Book
Battle of Midway: 3–6 June 1942
Trento Washington Navy Yard, DC: U.S. Navy, Naval History and Heritage Command, U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence, 2017. Reprint of 1943 edition.
Coming up very shortly is the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Midway. This is a really big deal, especially with the Navy, as it was virtually the first solid victory for U.S. forces over the Japanese since the war began for America the previous December 7.
My day job is writing and editing for the Navy’s Naval History and Heritage Command. One of our projects to commemorate the 75th anniversary of World War II is to republish concurrently with the events of 75 years ago a series of booklets produced by the Office of Naval Intelligence immediately after each of the battles. We have just posted the Midway booklet. You can download it—for absolutely free—from our website at:
We have also put up Coral Sea, Early Carrier Raids, and Java Sea. Check those out as well.
A couple of caveats. Because these were created at the time, they have the immediacy of the war at hand. There are also errors. These were based on classified reports directly from the combatants and are little sanitized. So don’t be surprised to find that Wildcats did combat with Messerschmitts. Their value is that they take you back to those days when it was not a sure thing that the United States would come out victorious.
While you are there, go into the search field and type in Battle of Midway. You will find more primary source material about the battle than you ever suspected. Want to read transcripts of interrogations of Japanese officials from the battle? Try this link:
And when you are done, enter your own search terms. We have dozens of FREE books available for the download. This is our home page: Poke around. You’ll find yourself coming back.